TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BEST DEAL IN THE GROVE!! Timing is everything. FIRST FLOOR 2 BEDROOM SPLIT PLAN !! SOARING CEILINGS AND GREAT LOCATION. This condo is on the FIRST floor just steps away from the amenities and waterpark. No waiting on elevators here. The Grove Resort Orlando has become a world-famous destination for vacationers and a favorite for investors. The luxury amenities and family fun for all visitors make it a destination in itself or a fantastic break from the Orlando theme parks. Own your piece of paradise in this upscale vacation destination just minutes from Disney World. Replacements and repairs are included and your onsite hotel operator handles advertising, check-in and check-out, cleaning, accounting, advertising, and everything else. Owners can enjoy their investment without any maintenance at all. Please note; the pictures are of a similar unit.
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This listing is courtesy of Mbi Realty Llc. Property Listing Data contained within this site is the property of Stellar MLS and is provided for consumers looking to purchase real estate. Any other use is prohibited. We are not responsible for errors and omissions on this web site. All information contained herein should be deemed reliable but not guaranteed, all representations are approximate, and individual verification is recommended.